Below me are some of the drawings I have done within the past year. Some of them are just doodles or quick drawings. Some are drawings I have sold and worked hours on. I focus mainly on simulacrum realism and surrealism. The realism is mainly just to improve the visual quality and capabilities of my surreal drawings. I still have a lot to learn, and hope to begin building up a portfolio to pursue a career as a tattoo artist.
This drawing (above) was just a quick doodle.
This drawing (above) was a quick drawing I did.
This doodle (above) was.. just a doodle haha
The drawing above was just an outline for a graffiti piece, I was too lazy to colour it in.
The drawing above took around 2 hours and was sold. It was rushed really bad. Could have done a lot more with it, so I only sold it for $20.
The drawing above is my most recent drawing. Done with charcoal and graphite. It was a fairly quick drawing. It was late at night and I just had this urge to draw something so I grabbed my tools and just started drawing randomly. This is what came of it.
The drawing above is a portrait of Aaliyah. She is an entertainer that has passed away. And I decided to draw her because it was her birthday. The drawing took around 10 to 11 hours and is for sale, $45. (Which is REALLY cheap for 10 hours of work).
4/28/2013 10:38:13 pm

That is very good artwork. i would pay for one if i could. good job!

5/6/2013 03:22:41 am

Gracias! (My name es Tyler too, what a coincidence haha)

5/2/2013 04:15:20 am

WOW!!! I struggle to draw a pencil and you can do this. Props dude. This is like totally radical on a new level. KAWABUNGA!!

5/7/2013 04:09:21 am


5/15/2013 03:08:47 am

To the big bird

5/5/2013 11:49:08 pm

Hello! I just wanted to let you know that of the few drawings and sketches you shared with us, I loved them! Your style is so unique, it's similar to the things that I like to draw myself! Everybody always tells me that they're creepy and even a little scary, it was just nice to see that someone else did somewhat the same thing. Very, very awesome!

5/6/2013 03:21:42 am

Haha thank you! You should send a link to your blog and post some of your stuff!


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