As you all know (or should know) in 1492 Christopher Columbus and ships of Europeans sailed the ocean in search of India. They ended up instead of India, landed on Hispaniola in what is now called Latin America. Skipping through the small details he labelled it as his discovery and soon took power. Raping, murdering and enslaving the Native Americans that lived on the land. And trading slaves from Africa. Christopher Columbus now has a holiday named after him in America for the "discovery" of it, and unfortunately thousands of sheep actually believe he has discovered America and is a hero. Soon after Europeans found this land (the Americas) rich with natural resources and sustainable land, they began to colonize. Torturing, enslaving, raping, murdering etc the Native Americans, the Europeans soon came to rule the land. 

    100 million Native Americans (95% of the population) were murdered. Slaughtered, shot with muskets, killed by small pox, starved, died from the conditions of the land they were subjected to etc. With the Latin people (Spanish, French, Portuguese) taking what is now Latin America and Anglo's taking what is now Canada and America. And although the land has already been conquered and robbed of its original peoples culture and natural resources, the effects of colonialism continue to affect the colonized years and years after the initial damage has been inflicted. The Indigenous people have been pushed out of their homes and sent to the most unsustainable land within the continents. Today most of these pieces of land are called reservations. They still exist today and a lot of the conditions are terrible. Impoverished, ridden with alcohol consumption and high suicide rates etc. In fact suicide rates within the Indigenous community are 400% higher than the national average, yet the most publicized suicides are those from European people. My family personally has had to leave the reservations because of the awful living conditions. It has caused a lot of problems within the family, and drug abuse.

    Adolf Hitler stole the idea of concentration camps for Jewish people from when Native Americans were originally subjected to reservations. While Indigenous people were being sent to these unsustainable pieces of land, sacred land that are very important to the Native Americans were being torn down and industrialized. Even Mount Rushmore was built on a very sacred piece of land for the Sioux people. In Latin America the conditions are even worse, the Quechua people are still living on reservations with horrible conditions and the children are being taught Spanish in order to get rid of the peoples language. A lot of Mestizo's in Latin America are denying their Native American heritage and only presenting their European heritage because they believe they will be treated better. Not knowing that if or when they emigrate to America they will still be labelled a dirty illegal immigrant (leaving out the fact they are Indigenous to America) and demonized by the media and ignorant sheep. The White Latino's in Latin America all occupy the richest areas of the countries and are treated well by their governments. 

    The Peruvian government openly said that the Native Americans of Peru are 2nd class citizens, he's basically saying they are less human than Europeans. Every single area in which cocaina (cocaine) is manufactured, is made by Indigenous people, primarily of Colombia. Getting paid less than 10 cents a month for stomping on coca leaves until their feet bleed. Because it is the best choice they have to support their family. And yet while all this happens people in the western hemisphere continue to fabricate stereotypes of Native Americans being lazy people. When they are the ones working as hard as they can to support their family. A common counterpoint is that Native Americans are given everything, they don't have to work, pay taxes etc. Not true. A little bit off taxes is only a penny in return for the destruction of the land and people. So what we get a little bit off taxes? I doubt you've ever had to flee your suburb because it was so impoverished, and that those conditions were purposely inflicted. 

    Native Americans from Latin America aren't even considered Indigenous when they emigrate to North America. They are seen as illegal immigrants stealing jobs and being lazy. When they are Indigenous to the soil you are standing on, before Europeans came to the western hemisphere there were no boarders, there was no Canada, Mexico, America, Bolivia etc. There was just one people, who are now divided by boarders. The boarders should be illegal instead of the people. 

    Indigenous people suffer constant attack from their governments and army, hence the overwhelming amount of guerrilla warfare taking place in Latin America, but these wars didn't start when corrupt governments began to suck the countries dry of their natural resources using the Indigenous people's to obtain them while giving them a few cents to do so, or when they began to make the division between the Indigeouns peoples and the Europeans evident with the Europeans occupying rich land while Indigenous people suffered in the conditions they were subjected to, or when the governments started recruiting children without choice into the army to fight the guerrilla forces, a lot of times being backed by America which supplied troops and weapons, or even just when they began to fabricate policies which determined the detriment of the Indigenous peoples. It happened the moment that those ships of Europeans stepped onto the soil with such unfathomable greed in their hearts. Which has been passed down to the present to keep these injustices and genocide evident to this day. 

    They come and build a country on top of them, and get offended that they breath the same oxygen. Racist minutemen on the side of roads, fanatical patriots, weak minded people with the mind to take anything seen in propaganda filled media outlets and to transmogrify it into their own ignorant, hate filled mentality. These boarders have been placed upon the Indigenous people, and now when they try to flee their country because of war torn, impoverished conditions, and must do so illegally they can be prosecuted. Prosecuted for trying to flee a certain section of their home and to be able to support their family and see their children grow to be adults. And even if they do make it to the north they still face xenophobia, they still have family living in those conditions, they still must work twice as hard as the average citizen while they are demonized for it. 

    Immigration laws continue to stay vigilant and unfair. The American government creates a "war on drugs", which is really just a war on poor people. The CIA helped push drugs into America which is an obvious a fact as the CIA being known to have trained Al Qaeda. "'In my 30—year history in the Drug Enforcement Administration and related agencies, the major targets of my investigations almost invariably turned out to be working for the CIA'. - Dennis Dayle, former chief of the DEA. The American government spends millions upon millions of dollars to "eliminate" the flow of drugs onto the American soil, yet they do business with the very same governments flooding the streets with these drugs. As long as drug laws remain, and as strict as they are, there will always be violence affecting innocent people south of the boarder due to it. Drug cartels terrorizing the streets of Mexico. And while drug cartels have the same weaponry and are twice as ruthless as the Al Qaeda terrorist group, they pass through the American boarder with ease every day, and you know why? Because the people fabricating these policies profit from it. 

    As long as drug laws exist prison populations will continue to increase vastly, and the prison industial complex is a huge business. America has the highest incarceration rate in the world, and by a landslide. 1 out of every 142 Americans are incarcerated. These cartels have killed more Americans than 9/11, by a long shot. Even tweeting about their activities could get you hung from a bridge with a narcomensaje taped to your dismembered body. The elimination of drugs or even the drop of it in America will NEVER exist. And anybody with half a brain will know that. As long as they're illegal and poor people remain poor, there will always be a demand, and the illegalization only causes agony for the innocent people caught in the crossfire. The present policy is failing and needs to be changed. 

    The militarization of the war on drugs has been a colossal disaster which has accelerated the pace of social disintegration. Mexico is quickly becoming a failed state, and Washington’s deeply-flawed Merida Initiative, which provides $1.4 billion in aid to the Calderon administration to intensify military operations, is largely to blame. The surge in narcotics trafficking and drug addiction go hand-in-hand with destructive free trade policies which have fueled their growth. The war on drugs is just as much a fraud as the "war on terror" (which I won't get into now). As long as all this remains, Native American/Mestizo and African people will always pay the ultimate price for it. They know it will never stop, yet poor African people in America will always be sentenced to harsh punishment for the use of the drugs brought over the boarder. Why do you think the majority of people in American prisons are Indigenous or African. Our people are deteriorating, economically, and physically based on all of the things mentioned in the summary. But we aren't going to die spiritually. When peaceful revolution is made impossible, violent revolution is made inevitable. And I guarentee you Indigenous people will fight to the teeth in order to survive. And though that is nothing to be glorified, or to want. It will happen, it has already happened, in numerous instances. Humans want far more than we need, too many of us allow a television to think for us, we are all the same people. Who knows what the future holds for this problem.

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